This month marks the end of the print version of the publication for which I got my professional start, CCM Magazine. And while I haven't contributed to said pub for several years, there's still that pang of regret when (a) another piece of regularly published pulped wood bites the dust and (b) it continues to signify the perilous state all forms of mass media find themselves in.
[There should probably be a (c) it means I have to add another dead publication to my list, but I'm getting more and more used to that...]

And as per usual, Charlie Peacock pulls no punches, and that's why we love him for it.
I say all this because I'm dealing with a situation that may/may not put me in the crosshairs of the genre again, and I'm truly having some struggles with it. Charlie's words are all at once sobering, cause for contemplation and a source of inspiration.
Wow. I remember when you started working for that magazine. Sad, sad days.
I remember when Steve Taliaferro had CCM laying around the apartment, and I would read them and think, "...Really?".
A few years later production quality in Christian Music took a quantum leap, there were far fewer synthesizers and more guitars, and I got modestly interested.
Heck, I remember back when you were house-sitting for Chris Rodriguez.
Whatever the cross-hair issue is, good luck with it and if you need me I'll cover your right side (I'm probably the only one big enough).
There's a way to spin it that much of my involvement with Christian music can be pinned on Steve Taliaferro. I just took the opportunity to remind him that this is all essentially his fault as I friendquested him on Facebook. (Side note: just made up "friendquested" and will now spend the rest of the evening figuring out if I can trademark it...)
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